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Oil Painting

It is about capturing the feeling of the moment during reflection rather than forcing images of the past. Some memories are more clear and others obscure no matter the time from past to present. I focus on the intense methodology that precedes the intuitive part of painting. The feelings of memories are captured through the methodical mixing of colors and the multitude of preliminary designs. 


With each gesture I make, I create another in reaction to the previous rather than on memory itself. In the same way we reflect on our memories, each time we tend to see it differently and respond. The colored marks flicker like images in your mind and not yet stable. Rough or delicate, large or small, or added or removed marks portray the perception of memories whether they are mundane or monumental, clouded or clear, or sweet or bitter. Colors and marks evolve from the remnants derived from the culmination of process into an exploration of the physical act of painting. 




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